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The Indo-European Aryans or Iranians arrived on the plateau during the second millennium BC, and it is at Tappeh Sialk that the remains of their most ancient dwellings have been found. The rich had jewels made of silver, and the poor of bronze or iron. Vast finds of pottery at Tappeh Sialk give us an insight into their art.

The most representative type, a long spouted pitcher used in funeral rituals, was decorated with the head of an animal. The artist accentuated the resemblance of the animal by drawing around the spout. For example, if he wanted to increase the resemblance of a bird, the artist drew a series of triangles suggesting a collar of feathers or a pair of wings.

Ceramic spouted jar

Ceramic spouted jar,
dating from the 10th century BC,
and found in Tappeh Sialk.

This vessel with its elongated spout apparently remained in use on the plateau until the Achaemenian period.


Persian Art Through The Centuries

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Iran before the Iranians

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